Summer HEAT ohw stay away from me. Thank you, BAGUIO City :)
Just a short history for Baguio:
The City of Baguio is a highly urbanized city located in the province of Benguet in northern Luzon island of the Philippines. The city has become the center of business and commerce as well as the center of education in the entire Northern Luzon thereby becoming the seat of government of the Cordillera Administrative Region(C.A.R.).According to the 2010 census, Baguio City has a population of 318, 676.
Baguio City was established by the Americans in 1900 at the site of an Ibaloi village known as Kafagway. The name of the city is derived from the word bagiw in Ibaloi, the indigenous language of the Benguet Region, meaning 'moss'. The city is at an altitude of approximately 1,610 metres (5,280 ft) in the Luzon tropical pine forests ecoregion conducive to the growth of mossy plants and orchids.
Because of its altitude, Baguio City was designated by the Philippine Commission as the Summer Capital of the Philippines on June 1, 1903. It was incorporated as a chartered city by the Philippine Assembly on September 1, 1909, as authored by former Philippines Supreme Court JusticeGeorge A. Malcolm. The City of Baguio celebrated its Centennial on September 1, 2009.
OK! enough with the boring history. lol. Baguio City is known for it cold climate, Pine trees and peanut brittle (i love eating those). I really enjoy my self going to this place because it is not only the climate that makes your trip exciting but the culture you can see in this historic place and of course.... GHOST stories :) . There are a lot of Destinations in Baguio City and if I would discuss all of it, it would be very boring indeed. So let me just provide you with my top 5 Must-See-In- Baguio that would give you an insight on where to visit next :)
Maybe all of you are thinking of Burham Park, Mines View Park, Camp John Hay, Wright Park, The Mansion and the like as the tourist spots that can be seen in Baguio City. Well your somewhat right! Those are the USUAL destinations that is being seen on movies, soap operas, tv documentaries and other travel related blogs when they feature the city of Pines. Well let me give you some places that are not being featured mostly on different medias that i kept on visiting whenever i visit the area.
Tam-awan Village in Pinsao Proper, Baguio City uniquely blends indigenous aesthetics and exquisite Cordilleran craftsmanship with an artist’s concept for a village adapting to Baguio setting. (source:
This one place in Baguio that i felt i was indulge in the cordillera culture. The place is great, It featured several designs of houses of the cordilleran people before. They were able to showcase the beauty of Cordillera region as well as showcasing talents of local painters and artist. You can also rent huts for lodging at a reasonable price. There are also cultural shows and a restaurant within the property.
Hiking is the correct term if you want to roam around the area. Quite slippery and steep but when you completed the trail, your loooooong walk is worth the effort Whew!
My friends who is posing infront of my favorite hut in the TAMAWAN, the fertility hut. lol
Top View of the Village
4. 50's Diner
You might be wondering why I included this one because obviously it is not a tourist spot. First of all i did not said that all that i will be featuring here in my list would merely focus on tourist destination, I would also like to promote restaurants that are famous for locals and tourist as well. And... 50's Diner is one of them.
Why is 50's Diner famous? SIMPLE! it is under the 50's theme that offered very affordable food that will make your tummy pop! A single order can be eaten by 2 people but in my case, I CAN EAT it alone in just a sec.! HAHAHA They offer these foods that makes people addicted and keep on coming back! Located at General Luna Road, near the corner of Leonard Wood Road and Brent Road, where the famous Pink Sisters chapel is located.The location is a strategic place since area is an intersection where a lot of vehicles pass by. When I was in Baguio I usually eat here with my college friends. AND one thing I like here are the sailor uniforms of the crew :))
My ever favorite Guys on the hood! Yum! I miss those :) |
With friends hanging out at 50's Diner
Some of the foods that you may order at 50's diner.
3. Laperal White House
I did mentioned that Baguio is famous for being haunted right? Well this is one of the places here that is gathering a little attention lately. It was featured on Television Documentaries and even on Movies produced by star cinema (promoting star cinema on my blog haha). Well part of the stories that you seen and heard are true. There are white ladies and orbs showing on the said area.
Laperal White House
You are not allowed to enter the said house since it is being guarded and they prohibit trespassers (how come in the movies and documentaries they were able to enter?, they payed them I'm sure! lol). I had my own experience on the area. I remembered we passed through the said house, it was late night as in super late night with college friends. We went to Baguio Country Club that time. The ambiance is very scary to start off, I cant even look at the house as we pass by. It felt like someone is staring at me or something. Well we just walked fast, no ones talking until we pass the said house we were all smiling and started laughing because all of us were afraid! AHAHA.
I was able to interview the security guard at the house. We were very eager to enter i even bribed him but he wont let me in (soo stingy!). well i just asked him since he wont let me in, according to him, he usually hear noises inside the house at night, like walking on the doorsteps, moving chairs and creaking windows. I asked him if he is afraid or what, he just said that he needs to face his fears since it is his living to support his family. (i was left speechless hehe )
2. Philippine Military Academy
Ok, Ok, I know what your thinking, why did I included PMA for the must-see-baguio- list of mine since everyone already know that it is a common location. Fine! first of all, yes it is a common or usual destination but did you ever tried going there early in the morning to see the cadets perform there morning tasks, or have you ever tried going there where they are having there drills with complete uniform? hmmm. I figured.
My high school friends taking a good shot at the gate of PMA
at Fort Gegorio del Pilar on Loakan Road, visitors are welcome to
explore the grounds, view the cadets performing their drills, and
explore the PMA museum and walk around its manicured grounds to see
vintage tanks and other historical military weapons.
PMA is not only famous for its very nice location for photo Op. What you need and must see is what they are doing for there trainings. You will expect them to be stiff and proper and all but when your there, they are very accommodating to guest and visitors. You can also have pictures with them while they are doing there thing or have a pose with a cadet on your side. Chummy huh? Well disappointing as it sound but they don't do wacky poses! LOL.
I dont know how they call this, but it is a drill :)
1. Diplomat Hotel
I love horrific experience, maybe you would want one as well. So the first on my list is the FAMOUS Diplomat Hotel in Baguio. Well this property is known for its Ghost stories. If you would trace it's history you won't think anything else how it got its reputation being hunted. Diplomat Hotel is located at Dominican Road, Baguio City, Philippines.
Short History:
According to history the Diplomat Hotel was constructed by the
Dominican Priests as a vacation house from 1913 to 1915 and was later on
transformed into a school the Collegio del Santissimo Rosario. The
building was utilised for educational purposes for only two years before
the building was again reverted back to a Vacation House. The building
was heavily damaged during the Second World War and after the war in
1947 the building was reconstructed.
In 1973 the Diplomat Hotel Corporation was able to acquire the
Heritage hill wherein they converted the vacation house into a hotel.
However, because of business problems the hotel eventually closed in
1987. Up to this day the exterior of the building was preserved however
the internal parts of the building were already destroyed, what can only
be seen are remnants of what were a reception area, a fireplace, and
the divisions of the different rooms.
Entrance to the Diplomat Hotel
I still remember my first time going there, I felt a heavy presence on my back upon entering the gate. We even performed a prayer before entering the ruins of Diplomat Hotel. The building is just a 2 storey high building with a roof top. According to locals who resides near the hotel, they prohibit people looking behind when taking the stairs going to the second floor, because according to them we might see an entity following us. Well I did what was told. I was scared after all. lol. Nowadays, the building is being famous for photographers. There are models who would pose on the ruins as if they are not in a place where people died. They might be surprised someone is posing behind them as well :)
Garden outside the hotel. "The fog makes it more creepier"
Scary Hallways
The famous cross in the rooftop of the hotel.
When we were at the hotel, this looks creepier than the picture. PLUS the foggy ambiance I should say. AHEM!
... and that's the top 5 destinations and must see in Baguio. I hope you like it. ^.^